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Personal Loans

Which loan is right for me?

There are far too many options out there - we have made it simple with a little list so that you can learn more about some of the options we have available for our customers

Debt Consolidation

Need a low rate loan to consolidate your debt into one?

When the unexpected happens, you can find yourself in a situation with multiple loans or debts for so many reasons!  Some fall into the “interest free” trap where they buy things on interest free - make only the minimum payment and wind up with a high interest debt that they can never quite get on top of.  Sound familiar?  You are not alone… so many people, and families are in this boat with you.  Why not get in touch with us, and let us help you find a better option and roll it all into one manageable repayment.


Getting ready for the big day - but stressed over the hefty price tag?  Lets face it, everyone wants their Wedding day to be special (whether or not they will admit to it).  You are already stressed over so many things - why not let us ease your burden and find the right finance solution to cover the costs of your big day! 


Finally decided to take that holiday - only your bank account says that you can go as far as the end of your driveway?  That’s a downer - No worries - contact us today!  We have so many solutions available to suit your budget and get you on your way to Sunshine and Cocktails!!

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Renovating or Refurbishing your Home?

Looking to renovate your home, or perhaps you want a change, and would like to give your home a facelift with new furniture, kitchen upgrade, or installing a pool!  We have solutions available.

Need some extra Cash?

In a sticky situation, and need access to cash?  We have options available that don’t reflect poorly on your credit report (Stay away from the trap of Pay - Day loans!)

Let us educate you on what options are available, and what would best suit your needs.

Getting a Medical or Cosmetic Procedure?

With cosmetic procedures, and things like Gastric Band surgery on the rise in popularity - we have flexible options available to take the stress away from these already difficult decisions.  Don’t find the cheapest procedure available - find the one that is right for you.  Leave the finance to us, while you focus on rest and recovery.

Need a loan for something else?

No problems!  We have solutions available for any reasonable purpose - all you need to do is Contact us and we can take it from there…  Simple!

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